Thursday, November 18, 2010


This morning, right after getting up, Eleanor mumbled that she was hungry.  Granddad asked her what she wanted and she told him "I'm only talking to Mommy."  After chiding her, I asked her what she wanted.  She waited a minute and told me she wanted a Blue Bell Popsicle.  I told her no way, to which she replied "I'm only talking to Granddad!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eleanor Sayings and Doings

Yesterday Eleanor had a small accident in her panties.  She's been taking herself to the bathroom for a few weeks now, so I didn't know until I went to see what she was doing in her room.  She told me about her accident and I asked her where her panties were.  She giggled and told me "They're invisible!"  She had hidden them in a basket!

Just now she found the pencil she put in the refrigerator yesterday.

Last night Eleanor was standing in the middle on her room with her blanket over her head. She was being invisible. She stood there for a minute before my dad gently touched her foot. She jumped and the blanket fell off. Later she told me "Granddad touched my foot and my heart was bumping!"

At dinner last night she informed me that when I was little I liked to dress up as a picture frame.  The best part is the way she pronounces picture, with a drawn out emphasis on the ict.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Flap Your Arms Like A Chicken ......

She only looks like she's doing the chicken dance!

This isn't her Halloween costume.  She was just playing dress-up in the backyard.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm Back

I just couldn't give up on this blog! I was actually planning too and (as you can tell) haven't posted in forever. But I started rereading all the posts I'd written and I realized how much of that stuff I'd already forgotten. I don't journal, so this is where a lot of my memories ended up. So, even if now one else reads this, I've decided I'm going to try to keep it up.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


You have probably noticed the huge lack of posts lately. There have been many reasons for this. Eleanor is busy all the time and wants me to help her/play with her/read to her all the time. And blogger isn't always the easiest program to work with. Pictures, especially, are a pain in the butt and take forever to put in a post. It wasn't so bad when Nora took two naps a day and I had a tiny house to take care of, but now it's hard to find the time to fool with pictures and write long posts.

On the other hand, Facebook, as much as I don't always like it, is quick and easy to use.

So I'm thinking about shutting down the blog.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do you Believe in Magic?

Nora came up with a trick! She came to me this morning and asked me to come see her magic trick. She told me she was going to make her bracelet disappear. She put it on her bed, said "Zappa" and swiped it off her bed with a foam sword. She has since repeated her performance for Granddad and Daddy and has added a "Tada!" and a bow to the end of the performance. Best part? She came up with this all on her own.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not Much Going On

That about sums it up. Nora's taking swimming lessons. She's getting better about clinging to me in the water, but she's still far from being a little fish. I think the best thing about them is that they are right before lunch, so she eats and then is wiped out for a good, long nap.

It's been so hot that we haven't been able to play outside much. We've been working on the alphabet and doing some workbooks instead. Yesterday she could identify all but three of her capital letters! On the other hand, coloring is just not her thing. I don't think she'll be an artist.